Main Idea Lesson 1
Here is an animated PowerPoint lesson on main idea. The slideshow explains main idea and how to identify it in a text. There is also a practice activity at the end of the lesson with five practice problems.

Here are a bunch of free reading comprehension worksheets. These will help students master reading skills. You can print, edit, or complete these worksheets online. Try the nonfiction or short story reading worksheets to cover general reading skills. Or focus on specific reading skills like making predictions.
/ June 15, 2019this resource has helped my teaching of students. Am a teacher in Ghana and love to get more of these in my voluntary works. Thanks
/ March 2, 2019thank you very much for this site. I hope if we can have all the answers. I m parent and my English not very good so when I give my children the worksheet, the answers help me to have correct answer.
Mr. Morton
/ March 6, 2019The answers should be accessible under the “View Answers” links below each assignment. Please let me know if you are having trouble finding anything and I’ll see what I can do.
/ April 16, 2019thank you very much. I really appreciated.
Nidhi Cherian
/ February 18, 2019Thanks for the passages. It does make a teacher’s life easy.
Kudos !
Lenore Lofton
/ January 29, 2019I love this Website on EreadingWorksheets. Is it possible for your company to include more reading passages/ I would love to see more.
/ January 18, 2019This is a wonderful resource for our students. So many topics and it makes it easy to choose a topic for even the most finicky reader. Thank you so much
/ December 12, 2018Thank you so much for this amazing website.. I really do appreciate it .. as a teacher of English, this is a great source of Reading passages … thanks again
Jackeline Alfonso
/ December 7, 2018Muchas gracias por compartir tan valioso material, realmente es muy útil.
/ December 3, 2018This site is so useful, i always use it .
Good keep it up
Rida Khan
/ October 21, 2018Thank you,it really helped me in my exam.
One request please,can you add comprehension
for higher levels too.
Uganda Birston
/ June 26, 2018This website is awesome. Thank you.
Ashland Sky
/ June 24, 2018i took the FISDAP Entrance Exam study guide and question #8 is divide 340/12 which is 28.33
the only answers provided as
it says the answer is D)17. I am absolutely confused as to how this is really the answer.
Mr. Morton
/ June 29, 2018I’m confused as to why you are asking this on my website devoted to reading resources.
/ June 22, 2018very useful. thank you for sharing invaluable resources. god bless you.
Mr. Morton
/ June 29, 2018Thank you for the blessings.
/ May 23, 2018very helpful website and good comprehensions.
Janna Palmquist
/ May 23, 2018Thank you endlessly for these worksheets! My ENL students have benefitted greatly from working through them!
/ April 30, 2018These worksheets are fantastic, they are a remarkable resource for my Reading Comprehension and Grammar classes.
I’m very grateful for your work.
Sony Padickal
/ March 11, 2018This is a fantastic website. One of the best in this category. Mr. Morton, you have done a great job. The content is very much useful for all. Thanks a lot.
/ January 5, 2018this site is all that I ever needed
Muhammad Ali Yaqub
/ December 13, 2017Certainly it is a superb website for the practice of English learners.
I’m immensely grateful for this useful website
/ December 11, 2017The materials are very helpful. Thank you.
/ December 8, 2017Best of all websites.
wonderfull for preparing for papers..
s. umashankar
/ December 5, 2017Superb collections for enhancement of reading attitude. thanks you valuable service.
s. umashankar
/ December 5, 2017Superb collections for enhancement of reading attitude. thanks
Narayan Chalise
/ November 28, 2017It has really turned out to be really useful for my students in Nepal.
/ November 22, 2017These are excellent resources and use them for the students in my Learning Strategies class.
Mel A.
/ October 1, 2017Thank you SO, so much for these resources!! They always help me out! ♥ I wish I could see more of them in the future. I hope you have a team to help you! Haha.
Awesome work, greatly appreciated.
/ September 27, 2017I cannot thank you enough for providing outstanding material, that too without a charge! I would love to donate to help this great site going and once again THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!
Mr. Morton
/ October 5,
/ September 26, 2017thank yo so much my students love this app!!!!!!!!1
/ August 11, 2017Awesome website with so much useful content, thanks a lot for sharing with us..
/ June 24, 2017amazing website. Thank you for sharing with us
Allison Alan-Lee
/ June 8, 2017Your comprehensive website for students and the worksheets for strengthening the English language is outstanding. Thanks so much for creating such a well rounded program to boost our students’ understanding. I am very grateful!!
Dee Mayes
/ May 31, 2017I have really enjoyed the lessons/worksheets on the site. The students are asking for more and more
Mr. Morton
/ May 31, 2017Thank you so much for saying so. I would like to write some more to put on this page after I finish this learning game on which I am working: Genre Piranha. Check for new comprehension texts and worksheets in the fall. Best wishes!
/ May 9, 2017nice website
/ April 20, 2017Wish it would be organized by grade level. Would love to see some structure brought to all this amazing content!
>.< Hope that isn't harsh!
Mr. Morton
/ May 31, 2017No, I can take criticism that isn’t just raw hatred. I have organized them by grade level, btw:
/ April 20, 2017Dear Mr.Morton you helped me so much i don’t know how to thanks you but thanks very much.your website is best for comprehension as well as for me it is best .me and my family appreciate you.
/ March 28, 2017I’m helping my niece study for the ASVAB which includes a section on reading comprehension, so this is great practice. As the ASVAB is timed, I am wondering what do you think would be an appropriate time limit for a student to read your worksheets and answer the questions? I appreciate your help and this website!
Mr. Morton
/ May 31, 2017I’m sorry, I can’t provide this figure. But, I always push for accuracy and understanding, not speed. Best wishes!
/ March 27, 2017I use it to prepare for my state test this year. it is a helpful site
John Ambrose
/ March 9, 2017Thank you so much for such a comprehensive resources that I can use in my class to help my students.
/ March 7, 2017Such a wonderful site. I use it daily and treasure it so much.
Mr. Morton
/ March 13, 2017That’s so kind of you to say. Thank you for visiting.
/ February 23, 2017Good Day Mr. Morton,
On behalf of our group, I Thank you for this very helpful and useful site. This will greatly help us with our group thesis concerning about Students’ English Comprehension. One of the above stories is really a big help for our READING COMPREHENSION QUESTIONNAIRE to be administered. God Bless! Keep up your good work!
Mr. Morton
/ March 13, 2017Thank you for the blessings and for visiting my site. I wish you and your group the greatest possible success.
/ February 15, 2017Thank you so much for this site it helped me alot and also thank you for the chices that whch do we get to choose the pdf or microsoft,…..etc
Mr. Morton
/ March 13, 2017You are so welcome. Thank you for visiting.
Sanket Jain
/ February 13, 2017Very nice site.
I got what I wanted. Waiting for new worksheets.
/ May 13, 2017what is happening,BTW that helped me with my exams revision thank you so much for giving us such a supply for our learning skills
saady ahmed
/ February 11, 2017Amazing website
Really blessed and was impressed even more than I expected keep up the good work and plz upload more comprehension
Mansa Pande
/ February 2, 2017I can’t tell you how wonderful these passages are and how much they have helped me and my students.
Jaron Haynes
/ December 30, 2016Hi can I get the answers for TIGERS comprehension please
/ December 6, 2016Your free materials help me a lot. God bless you.
/ December 2, 2016Thank you soo much.
Malini Anastasia
/ December 2, 2016Thank you for making this website. Very helpful for a teacher who teaches ESL like me to have a source like this. I am still impressed by your willingness and effort to share this for free. God bless :).
/ November 28, 2016Thank you very much. Very good material for teachers.
/ November 26, 2016this site is so goooooood