Text Structure 2

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Text Structure 2
There are many theories about why the dinosaurs vanished from the planet. One theory is that a gigantic meteorite smashed into the Earth. Scientists believe that the meteorite was very big. The impact may have produced a large dust cloud that covered the Earth for many years. The dust cloud may have caused plants to not receive sunlight. The large plant eaters, or herbivores, may have died off, followed by the large meat eaters, or carnivores. This theory may or may not be true, but it is one explanation on why these giant reptiles no longer inhabit the Earth.
Spatial / Descriptive Writing
Order of Importance
Problem and Solution
Compare and Contrast
Cause and Effect
How do you know? Explain your answer.
Text Structure 2
It's important to think critically about things or else you may be led astray. For example, the brontosaurus never really existed. Yet many people still believe in the brontosaurus today. You see, the "brontosaurus" is actually the body of an apatosaurus with the head of a camarasaurus. This concocted creature was made from two mismatched fossils. People should think critically about such findings. They should analyze the presented components carefully, with a critical mind. If more people had done this, entire generations of school children may not have been misinformed. One should always think critically about the information that one receives. Keep these problems in mind when conducting your studies.
Sequence / Process Writing
Problem and Solution
Spatial / Descriptive Writing
Compare and Contrast
Chronological Order
How do you know? Explain your answer.
Text Structure 2
One day Dino the Dinosaur decided to go for a walk to the watering hole. It was a sunny day and the sky was blue and clear. Dino was thinking about his girlfriend Dina and her beauty. Suddenly, Dino saw a pack of wild lizards and animals running through the plains in a frenzy. Dino tried to ask the critters why they were running, but they didn't stop to chat. Dino scratched his head and continued toward the watering hole. Soon after, Dino heard a loud thumping noise like the slow beat of a drum. The earth shook and fruit fell from the trees. But Dino was so deep in thought over his girl Dina that he didn't even notice. The thumping grew louder and louder as Timmy the Tyrannosaurs Rex approached Dino. Dino kept thinking about his girl Dina until the moment Timmy ate him.
Sequence / Process Writing
Order of Importance
Spatial / Descriptive Writing
Chronological Order
Problem and Solution
How do you know? Explain your answer.
Text Structure 2
The surface of the Earth is divided into pieces called "tectonic plates." When these plates move, they do not move smoothly. They may rub against each other, creating tremendous friction and energy. The force of these movements can shake the surface of the Earth, resulting in what is commonly known as an earthquake. Some parts of the world get more earthquakes than other parts. The parts of the earth that get most earthquakes are near the edges of these plates.
Problem and Solution
Order of Importance
Cause and Effect
Compare and Contrast
How do you know? Explain your answer.
Text Structure 2
Some countries, such as Japan, or parts of a country, like California in the United States, have a lot of earthquakes. Earthquakes predicatably occur in these areas. In these places it is a good practice to build houses and other buildings that will not collapse when there is an earthquake. This is called seismic design or "earthquake-proofing." Developers in these areas should learn the basics of seismic design.
Sequence / Process Writing
Descriptive Writing
Problem and Solution
Compare and Contrast
Chronological Order
How do you know? Explain your answer.
Text Structure 2
You can increase a building's ability to withstand the stress of an earthquake. This is done by reducing stress and decreasing rigidity. First, the building's ground floor must be flexible. To do this, support the ground floor with extremely rigid, hollow columns. The rest of the building should be supported by flexible columns located inside the hollow columns. Alternately, use rollers or rubber pads to separate the base columns from the ground. This allows the columns to shake parallel during an earthquake. Second, the outdoor walls should be made with stronger and more reinforced materials. Developers should use steel or reinforced concrete. Last, to help prevent collapsing, the roof should be made out of light-weight materials. Following these steps will increase a building's ability to withstand earthquakes.
Sequence / Process Writing
Order of Importance
Compare and Contrast
Chronological Order
How do you know? Explain your answer.
Text Structure 2
A hurricane is a large storm with heavy winds and rain. Hurricanes begin in the ocean and build up strength as they move across the water. Some of the damage caused by hurricanes is from high winds. But most of the damage usually comes from tidal surges, which flood entire cities. A tornado is a storm that develops on land, with no warning. Tornadoes move in a circular motion with heavy winds and have a funnel shape. Tornadoes pick up and carry dirt, dust, and even objects. Most damage caused by tornadoes comes from their high velocity winds. These winds are extremely destructive and deadly. Tornadoes can demolish entire neighborhoods in a few seconds to a few minutes. Tornadoes can form when hurricanes, which are much larger, make landfall. But a hurricane cannot be created by a tornado.
Compare and Contrast
Chronological Order
Sequence / Process Writing
Problem and Solution
Order of Importance
How do you know? Explain your answer.
Text Structure 2
Hurricane Katrina began on August 23, 2005. It started over the southeastern Bahamas and was known as Tropical Depression Twelve. This depression later strengthened into a tropical storm. On the morning of August 24, the storm was named Katrina. Katrina moved into Florida. It became a Category 1 hurricane on the morning of August 25, two hours before it made landfall. The storm weakened when it landed on Hallandale Beach, but it's strength returned. It became a hurricane again while entering the Gulf of Mexico. Shortly after it crashed into the Southwestern U.S. and caused untold devastation.
Order of Importance
Compare and Contrast
Problem and Solution
Cause and Effect
Chronological Order
How do you know? Explain your answer.
Text Structure 2
Have you ever wondered what the inside of a volcano looks like? Deep underground is a magma chamber. The magma chamber is under the bedrock of the earth's crust. The conduit or pipe runs from the magma chamber to the top of the volcano. The conduit connects the magma chamber to the surface. Most volcanoes also have a crater at the top. This is called the vent. Volcanoes are quite a sight, and you can enjoy this site all over the universe. Volcanoes are found on planets other than Earth, like the Olympus Mons on Mars.
Compare and Contrast
Spatial / Descriptive Writing
Cause and Effect
Problem and Solution
Chronological Order
How do you know? Explain your answer.
Text Structure 2
During a flood there is plenty of water, too much in fact. One might not think that dehydration is a serious risk. Yet flood waters are mostly polluted. People who drink contaminated water may suffer from diseases such as typhoid. You can prepare for flooding by filling containers with fresh, clean drinking water. Store these containers in a high place. Ration the potable water accordingly. Be prepared and be safe.
Order of Importance
Chronological Order
Spatial / Descriptive Writing
Compare and Contrast
Problem and Solution
How do you know? Explain your answer.


Text Structure 2

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