Text Structure 1

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Text Structure 1
All matter, all things can be changed in two ways: chemically and physically. Both chemical and physical changes affect the state of matter. Physical changes are those that do not change the make-up or identity of the matter. For example, clay will bend or flatten if squeezed, but it will still be clay. Changing the shape of clay is a physical change, and does not change the matter's identity. Chemical changes turn the matter into a new kind of matter with different properties. For example, when paper is burnt, it becomes ash and will never be paper again. The difference is that physical changes are temporary or only last for a little while. Chemical changes are permanent, which means they last forever. Physical and chemical changes both affect the state of matter.
Chronological Order
Compare and Contrast
Problem and Solution
Order of Importance
How do you know? Explain your answer.
Text Structure 1
Robert James Fischer was born in Chicago. Yet he unlocked the secrets of chess in a Brooklyn apartment right above a candy store. At the age of six he taught himself to play by following the instruction booklet that came with his chess board. After spending much of his childhood in chess clubs, Fischer said that, "One day, I just got good." That may have been a bit of an understatement. At the age of 13 he won the U.S. Junior Chess Championship. He was the youngest Junior Champion ever. At the age of 14 he won the U.S. Championship, also becoming the youngest U.S. Champion in history. Fischer even went on to become the World Champion of chess, but he would also grow to become his own worst enemy. He forfeited the championship to the next challenger without even making a move. The rise of a chess superstar ended with a fizzle.
Chronological Order
Problem and Solution
Cause and Effect
Compare and Contrast
Sequence / Process Writing
How do you know? Explain your answer.
Text Structure 1
Don't let the tigers vanish. These majestic beasts are disappearing at an alarming rate. We should write to our congress people. If we let them know that we demand the preservation of this species, maybe we can make a difference. We should also donate some of our money to Save the Tigers. Help support those who fight the hardest to preserve the tigers. We owe it to our grandchildren to do something.
Sequence / Process Writing
Problem and Solution
Order of Importance
Descriptive Writing
Chronological Order
How do you know? Explain your answer.
Text Structure 1
Many people are confused about why our economy went to shambles in 2008. The crisis was actually the result of many complex factors. First, easy credit conditions allowed people who were unworthy of credit to borrow. Even people who had no income were eligible for large loans. Second, banks bundled these toxic loans into packages and sold them. Third, large insurance firms backed these packages. They misrepresented these high-risk loans as safe investments. Fourth, rapid growth in the housing market lead to people buying too many houses. All these factors created bubbles of speculation. The bubbles burst, sending the whole market into a downward spiral. Employers lost capital and laid off employees. Consumer spending plummeted. Businesses suffered. The economy is like a big boat, and once it gets moving quickly in the wrong direction, it's hard to turn it around.
Compare and Contrast
Cause and Effect
Chronological Organization
Spatial Organization
Problem and Solution
How do you know? Explain your answer.
Text Structure 1
Before applying the screen protector, clean the surface of your phone's screen with a soft cloth. Once the surface of your screen is clean, remove the paper backing on the screen protector. Evenly apply the sticky side of the screen protector to your phone's screen. Smooth out any air bubble trapped on between the protector and the phone screen. Enjoy the added protection.
Descriptive Writing
Compare and Contrast
Sequence / Process Writing
Cause and Effect
Order of Importance
How do you know? Explain your answer.
Text Structure 1
Dinosaurs existed about 250 million years ago to 65 million years ago. This era is broken up into three periods: the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous. The Triassic Period lasted for 35 million years from 250-205 million years ago. Planet Earth was a very different place back then. All the continents were united and formed one huge land mass known as Pangaea. The Jurassic Period was the second phase. The continents began shifting apart. The time scale for this famous period is from 205 to 138 million years ago. The Cretaceous Period was the last period of the dinosaurs. It spanned a time from 138 million to about 65 million years ago. In this period the continents fully separated. However, Australia and Antarctica were still united.
Problem and Solution
Chronological Order
Compare and Contrast
Spatial Order / Descriptive Writing
Cause and Effect
How do you know? Explain your answer.
Text Structure 1
The Cretaceous Period was filled with dangerous predators. Two of the most feared hunters were the tyrannosaurs rex and the velociraptor. The tyrannosaurs rex was one of the largest carnivores to ever walk the Earth. He was 20 feet tall and weighed seven tons. His jaws could shut with 3,000 pounds of force, enough to smash the bones of his prey. The velociraptor was very small compared to rex. Raptors only stood three feet tall and weighed merely 35 pounds. But the velociraptor was fast. Scientists think that raptors could run 24 miles per hour and turn on a dime. Both dinosaurs had eyes on the front of their heads, which helped them track prey. Both dinosaurs used their jaws to kill prey. The raptor had a secret weapon though: a retractable toe claw that he pulled out like a knife to slash at his prey. If these two dinosaurs had fought, it would be difficult to say which would win. However, the last raptor died ten million years before the first tyrannosaurs was born. So they probably never fought.
Problem and Solution
Compare and Contrast
Sequence / Descriptive Writing
Cause and Effect
How do you know? Explain your answer.
Text Structure 1
Wouldn't you like a scary dinosaur model on your desk to protect your pencils and textbooks? You can make one by following these simple directions. First, bend your pipe cleaners to make the frame of your dinosaur. I suggest you create a tyrannosaurus frame by using one long pipe cleaner as his neck, spine, and tail. Then bend another into a u-shape to make his feet. Wrap the feet around the spine piece. Next, roll out clay to wrap around the pipe cleaners. Let the clay dry overnight. The next day you may want to paint your dinosaur using non-toxic paint. Feel free to color your dinosaur as you wish. Nobody really knows how dinosaurs were colored. So don't let anyone tell you that your dinosaur can't be pink. Lastly, put him on your desk and watch as he or she scares away bullies and pencil thieves.
Problem and Solution
Compare and Contrast
Cause and Effect
Process / Sequence Writing
Order of Importance
How do you know? Explain your answer.
Text Structure 1
Our entire village, each and every person, depends on you performing guard duty correctly. If you notice that dinosaurs are about to attack the village, make sure the gate is closed. If the gate is open, the dinosaurs will surely invade. Once you have made sure that the gate is closed, press the alarm. This will alert others that we are under attack. Finally, begin shooting at the dinosaurs. You should be able to kill them or scare them off. Do not attempt to shoot the dinosaurs until you have made sure that the gate is closed and the alarm is activated. You cannot count on your aim to save us. Count on us to save us. Also count on our strong gate.
Cause and Effect
Compare and Contrast
Spatial / Descriptive Writing
Order of Importance
How do you know? Explain your answer.
Text Structure 1
The cave was overwhelmingly blue. It was dark, except for a few small pinholes of light pouring through the ceiling. The stalactites on the ceiling dripped with humidity. The stalagmites on the floor of the cave glistened sharp and looked like teeth. In the middle of the cave was a lone dinosaur licking his wounds. Blood trailed from where he sat to the mouth of the cave. A drum beat in the distance.
Compare and Contrast
Order of Importance
Sequence / Process Writing
Spatial / Descriptive Writing
Problem and Solution
How do you know? Explain your answer.


Text Structure 1

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