Genre Practice 7

Reading Quiz

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Genre Practice 7
Vote for Morton by Citizens for Morton 

This is an election poster. It states that readers should vote for Morton because he would increase funding for schools, reform the prison system, and give everybody pizza on Fridays.
Informational Writing
Persuasive Writing
Historical Fiction
How do you know? Explain your answer and refer to the text in your explanation.
Genre Practice 7
Pecos Bill and the Volcano adapted by Henry Hubert 

Pecos Bill is one of the most renowned cowboys in the Wild West. When he was a baby, he caught a jackrabbit and cooked it for his family for dinner. When he was twelve, he saved his town from a flood by lassoing the storm cloud and bringing it to the dry lands for some much needed rain. Now that he is an adult, he must face his biggest challenge: Mount Firebreath is about to erupt and time is limited. Can Pecos Bill save the frontier town again?
Tall Tale
How do you know? Explain your answer and refer to the text in your explanation.
Genre Practice 7
Cat Speakers by Kylie Ohio 

Chancy hasn't made many friends since she transferred schools. Worse still, a big girl name Keyana has been bullying her. One day while Chancy is in her tree fort crying about her situation, she hears a comforting voice, "Why don't you try to be her friend, Chancy?" Chancy looks up to see her cat talking to her. She soon realizes that it's not just her cat that she can hear. Her mind becomes flooded with the voices of all the neighborhood cats, and some of them are annoying. Will Chancy be able to form a positive relationship with Keyana? Will she ever get all these cats to be quiet?
Realistic Fiction
Historical Fiction
How do you know? Explain your answer and refer to the text in your explanation.
Genre Practice 7
The Fox and the Stork retold by Aesop 

A long time ago the Fox and the Stork were friends, until the Fox invited the Stork over for dinner. The Fox served soup on a shallow plate. The Fox was able to lap it up easily, but the Stork could not eat it with his long beak. The Fox laughed and laughed at him. A couple days later the Stork invited the Fox for dinner. The Stork served the Fox soup in a long-necked vase, from which the Stork could easily drink. But the Fox was unable to fit his snout into the vase and went hungry. The moral of the story is that one good turn deserves another.
Tall Tale
How do you know? Explain your answer and refer to the text in your explanation.
Genre Practice 7
Michael +1 by Jodi Branson 

Michael is an only child. He gets everything that he wants. His mom and dad give him all their attention. Then one day Mom and Dad bring home a new baby. The baby cries all the time, get Michael's toys all gooey, and takes all Mom and Dad's attention. How will Michael ever learn to live with this baby? Find out in this short novel that is perfect for brothers and sisters to be.
Science Fiction
Historical Fiction
Realistic Fiction
How do you know? Explain your answer and refer to the text in your explanation.
Genre Practice 7
All the Kings Horses by O. Persil 

In this short play, a young man who tends the royal stables falls in love with the queen. After accompanying him on many rides, the queen begins to fall for the stable hand's charms. She finds him to be compassionate, intelligent, and handsome. As the play continues, their feelings toward one another grow. These feelings grow so powerful that the queen decides to give up her royal privilege and run away with the stable hand. The king learns of the plan and has the stable hand executed, where after the queen dies of sadness.
How do you know? Explain your answer and refer to the text in your explanation.
Genre Practice 7
The Daily Local Gazette by Mpub News Services 

This is the front section of today's issue of The Daily Local Gazette. It is a newspaper that covers national and world events. This paper really shines in its local coverage. It is perhaps the only authoritative news source reporting on the happenings in a very small town. It describes events that actually occurred and reports the facts on them.
Historical Fiction
Realistic Fiction
Persuasive Writing
Informational Writing
How do you know? Explain your answer and refer to the text in your explanation.
Genre Practice 7
The Silent Threat: BPA by Aerial Howard 

BPA is a chemical that helps seal containers. In this pamphlet, Ms. Howard argues that people should not eat or drink products packaged in containers made with BPA. According to Ms. Howard, BPA is unsafe. Ms. Howard begins with a bulleted list of reasons why people should stay away from BPA. Then she asks readers to write a letter to their congressperson calling for a ban on BPA in the food industry.
Science Fiction
Informational Writing
Persuasive Writing
Realistic Fiction
How do you know? Explain your answer and refer to the text in your explanation.
Genre Practice 7
The Making of the Stars adapted by Heath Loran 

Rolla-Mano was the aboriginal god of the sea. One day he was pursuing a bird to eat along the sea. But when Rolla-Mano threw his net, he missed. One of the birds flew over the sea. Rolla-Mano had never missed before. He was so angry that he jumped into the sea and chased after the bird with a burning fire stick in his hand. As soon as Rolla-Mano's golden fire stick hit the water, sparks flew up and covered the sky. To this day, the sparks from Rolla-Mano's golden fire stick are the stars that we see in the sky.
Tall Tale
How do you know? Explain your answer and refer to the text in your explanation.
Genre Practice 7
How Stars are Born by Edwin T. Hornsby 

In this textbook, Dr. Hornsby explains how stars are formed. He explains that stars are made when large amounts of gas and dust are drawn together in space. The gas and the dust create a gravitational pull that brings the molecules closer together. This attracts more gas and dust. Over millions of years, this gravitational pull increases, as does the heat and density of the gas ball. The gas ball eventually gets hot enough to trigger a fusion reaction. Hornsby references years of scientific research in his text.
Historical Fiction
Science Fiction
Informational Writing
Realistic Fiction
How do you know? Explain your answer and refer to the text in your explanation.
Genre Practice 7
Birth of a Star by Raymond Reynolds 

In this unauthorized tell-all, Reynolds details the real life story of Norma Jeane Mortenson. Norma spent much of her youth in foster homes. She started working before she was 20 as a model. She then met a movie executive named Ben Lyon and auditioned for him. Lyon loved her look, but he suggested that she change her name. Eventually the two settled on Marilyn Monroe. Reynolds details Monroe's rise from extra to a leading lady in this no punches pulled account.
Historical Fiction
How do you know? Explain your answer and refer to the text in your explanation.
Genre Practice 7
Death to the Stars by Flip Goodson 

Frank Leones is a space taxicab driver with a bad temper. One day an alien terrorist bumps into Frank's space cruiser in the middle of traffic. So Frank chases the alien from the floating streets of Frank's home planet to an evil mercenary outpost on Zodor 9. Frank soon learns that the Zodorian mercenaries are plotting to extinguish several stars. Their targets include the star that sustains life on Frank's planet. Frank's not going to allow the Zodorian's to ding up his space cruiser and end life in his solar system without a fight. Will Frank stop the Zodorian's evil plan?
Realistic Fiction
Historical Fiction
Science Fiction
How do you know? Explain your answer and refer to the text in your explanation.
Genre Practice 7
True Love's Kiss retold by Laramie Brown 

A wicked queen feels threatened by the beauty of a peasant girl. The queen disguises herself as a candy peddler and gives the peasant girl an enchanted apple. The beautiful girl eats it as falls asleep instantly whereupon darkness falls over the land. She remains sleeping for many years until a brave prince fights his way through a dark forest and slays an evil dragon to find the sleeping beauty. Upon receiving the prince's kiss, she awakens and beauty returns to the land.
Tall Tale
How do you know? Explain your answer and refer to the text in your explanation.
Genre Practice 7
Houyi the Archer by Unknown 

According to ancient Chinese beliefs, the Jade Emperor was one of the first gods and had ten sons. One day the tens sons of the Jade Emperor turned into ten suns. The intense heat from these ten suns caused the Earth to scorch. Houyi was an immortal living in heaven that was renowned for his archery skills. Houyi shot down nine of the suns, leaving one remaining in the sky. This displeased the Jade Emperor, who banished Houyi and sent him to live on Earth as a mere mortal. Houyi is the reason why the Earth has just one sun.
Tall Tale
How do you know? Explain your answer and refer to the text in your explanation.
Genre Practice 7
Popfly by Brian Barry 

In this true story, Brian Barry tells the story of his rise from an awkward teenager to a professional baseball player. If you thought that it was hard to get into the majors, you thought right. Barry tells readers just how hard it was for him. Barry's story teaches readers just how easy it is to slip and fall when you are at the top of your game.
Persuasive Writing
Informational Writing
How do you know? Explain your answer and refer to the text in your explanation.


Genre Practice 7

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